Monday, July 22, 2013


Did you know that being joyful is a choice?  No matter what happens in a person's day, a person can still  choose to be joyful.  I know someone who loves to see the glass as half empty.  The sun could be shining and the birds could be singing a beautiful tune but this person will be upset by the glare of the sun and all of the racket that the birds are making.

It dawned on me one day that this person has wallowed in negativity for so long that it has become a habitual, best friend to her.  A few days ago as she began to tell me her laundry list of woes, I gently reminded her that this is the day that the Lord has made and that we must rejoice and be glad in it.  First, I asked her to pray about each negative thing that she shared with me and then I asked her to think of  just as many things to share with me that were blessings in her life.    As she began to share the blessings, we became so excited at the beautiful things that God has done, that the negatives were quickly forgotten.  Before you knew it, we were laughing, praising God and feeling  full of joy.  We can choose to be victorious and not victims.......healed and not and not poor.......friendly and not friendless......lighthearted and not sad.......strong and not weary in well doing.  Why?  Because God is for us so no weapon formed against us will prosper.  BE JOYFUL!